
A new closed-loop horizontal geothermal well solution

In Europe, deep geothermal heat production for district heating and to a lesser extent district cooling is mainly based on the conventional doublet geothermal well solution. Examples are the wells…

Geothermal potential of Ukraine

Ukraine has several geothermal sites and resources, especially in the Transcarpathia region and in the southern part of the country. However, the development of geothermal resources has not been extensively…

A puncture in a geothermal seal

More than fifteen years ago, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) was one of the first institutions in the Netherlands to come up with the idea to warm their premises…

Monitoring a geothermal motor

Following the drilling of successful exploration wells into the Kenyan Rift Valley in the 1970’s, the flagship Olkaria geothermal field has seen a steady development to a capacity of around…

Drilling twice as fast in basement rocks

John Gibb’s Aberdonian accent is noticeable even though he has spent many years in Houston. “I drilled many wells throughout my career”, he says, “including highly deviated development wells on…